Clear Bible

Clear’s mission is far-reaching: to accelerate the faithful translation of Scripture for every language, tribe, and nation. By collaborating with other organizations and leveraging innovative technology, Clear creates Bible translation solutions for greater impact around the world. After working with Digizent for many of their digital fundraising needs, including eNewsletters, lightboxes, social posts, and more, Clear saw a significant increase in online giving.

Clear Bible Banner Image


Effective lightboxes can help change the world. In a few simple words, and a single call to action, Clear’s lightboxes designed by Digizent help strategically funnel donors to Clear’s most current, and urgent, campaign. Digizent’s lightbox designs strategically let donors know exactly what your current fundraising needs are, and how they can best help today.


Working with Digizent, Clear’s eNewsletters include a Welcome message, important facts, a message from the CEO, and information on the donor’s impact worldwide. With intuitive layouts, targeted call-out boxes, and a focused call to action, eNewsletters with the right designs can lead to increased donor engagement, a strong relationship between donors and your nonprofit, and faster results.

Clear Bible Emails
Clear Bible Forms

Donation Forms

Digizent’s donation forms designed for Clear include effective color schemes, simple calls to action, and focused donor engagement—for maximum impact!

Flexformz Logo

Social Media

Transform your social posts with expert design, inspirational copy, and a cohesive strategy. Working with Clear, Digizent utilized their Giving Tuesday campaign and a matching gift opportunity to streamline their efforts into a clear and compelling call to action.

Clear Bible Social Media
Clear Bible Landing Pages

Landing Pages

We can help your organization

Doing Good starts with great communication. Donors respond best to doing good around the world when they can truly understand your mission, you goals, and your call to action.
Our multi-channel strategic campaigns and designs are here to ensure every channel of your communication is effective and furthers your mission to impact the world for the better!